Mokaram Law Firm


Stay Safe on the Road: Identifying No Zones for Large Trucks

Drivers often feel scared sharing the road with big trucks because these vehicles have big blind spots that make it hard for them to see smaller vehicles nearby. These spots, known as “No Zones,” greatly reduce visibility, increasing the chance of crashes. 

Knowing and staying away from these zones helps everyone be safer. Truck companies and their insurance will try to lower the amount of money you get for your claim. This is where a truck accident lawyer can help you.

This blog will explain what No Zones are, where they are on big trucks, and how drivers can be safe around commercial vehicles.

What Are No Zones & Blind Spots?

“No Zones” are the big areas around a truck where the driver can’t see other vehicles clearly. These zones are much bigger than those around cars, making it hard for truck drivers to see nearby cars, motorcycles, or people, even with mirrors.

 No Zones are on all sides of the truck:

Front No Zone: Trucks are higher up, creating a big blind spot directly in front, about 20 feet wide. This makes it hard for truck drivers to see vehicles that get too close or stay in this area, as they might not be seen and can’t stop fast.

Rear No Zone: The blind spot behind the truck is huge, stretching up to 200 feet. Vehicles following too closely might not be seen by the truck driver, increasing the chance of a crash if the truck suddenly stops.

Side No Zones: The biggest blind spots are on the left and right sides of the truck. The right side is especially risky because it covers several lanes, making it dangerous for vehicles to drive next to or pass on that side.

Turning No Zones: When trucks make big turns, especially right ones, the blind spots get even bigger, and smaller vehicles or people can get stuck in these areas without the driver noticing.


Common Causes of Blind Spot Accidents

Essential Guide To What Are No Zones For Large Trucks

Blind spot accidents occur when drivers fail to see other vehicles or objects in areas not visible through their mirrors, known as blind spots. Common causes include:

  1. Failure to Check Blind Spots: Drivers may not properly check their blind spots before changing lanes or merging, leading to collisions with unseen vehicles.
  2. Improper Use of Mirrors: Incorrectly positioned mirrors can increase blind spots, making it harder for drivers to see vehicles around them.
  3. Distracted Driving: Using a phone, eating, or other distractions can cause drivers to neglect checking their blind spots.
  4. Speeding or Abrupt Lane Changes: High speed or sudden lane changes make it difficult to notice vehicles in blind spots, increasing the risk of accidents.
  5. Large Vehicles: Trucks and buses have larger blind spots compared to smaller vehicles, making it more challenging to see surrounding traffic.
  6. Inadequate Use of Turn Signals: Failing to use turn signals can catch other drivers off guard, leading to accidents in adjacent lanes.

Common “No Zone” Truck Accident Injuries

“No Zone” refers to the large blind spots around trucks where smaller vehicles are not visible to the truck driver. Accidents in these zones can result in severe injuries due to the size and weight of the truck. Common injuries include:

  • Head and Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Fractures and Broken Bones
  • Internal Injuries
  • Whiplash and Neck Injuries
  • Lacerations and Bruises

Common Accidents Involving Blind Spots In Texas

  1. T-Bone Crashes: When a big truck hits the side of another car at an intersection.
  2. Side-Swipes: A truck in another lane accidentally clips a car that it didn’t see.
  3. Truck-on-Truck Crashes: Two large trucks crash into each other, often from not seeing each other while changing lanes or merging.
  4. Truck-Truck Flips: A truck crashes into another, causing one or both to flip over.
  5. Rear-End Collisions: This is the most common type of blind spot truck crash, where a truck hits the back of a car or a car hits the back of a truck.

According to NHTSA’s 2022 data, 30% of truck crash fatalities were from vehicles hitting the front, back, or sides of another vehicle, with 21% of these deaths being from rear-end collisions between cars and large trucks.

Other dangers include bad weather, night driving, and not paying attention, as well as inexperienced drivers not knowing how to navigate the truck’s blind spots. Being aware of these blind spots and practicing defensive driving can help make Texas roads safer.

Tips for Staying Safe Around Truck Blind Spots

To stay safe around big trucks, remember these tips:

  • Try to stay out of the truck’s blind spots. If you’re in one, move away quickly and safely.
  • Leave at least four to five seconds between you and the truck, especially when following closely. This helps you react if the truck stops suddenly.
  • Signal, pass quickly, and avoid staying next to the truck. Make sure you’re far enough ahead before merging back into the truck’s lane.
  • Trucks need more time to stop, so don’t rush them. Check the truck’s front in your mirror before merging in front.
  • Understanding trucks have their limits. Give them space and avoid risky driving near them.

Finally, to stay safe around big trucks, avoid their blind spots, keep a safe distance, and be careful when passing. This helps prevent accidents and makes the roads safer for all. Always be aware of your surroundings and drive carefully.

Fight Back Against Trucking Giants: Let Mokaram Law Firm Win Your Case!

If you’ve been involved in an accident with a large truck, don’t wait—Mokaram Law Firm is here to fight for you! These massive vehicles and their dangerous No Zones put you at risk, and when trucking companies and drivers act negligently, it’s you who pays the price. 

Our personal injury lawyers know how to take on trucking giants, navigate complex regulations, and get you the maximum compensation you deserve. We won’t let them off easy—we hold them accountable for every injury, every loss. 

Call Mokaram Law Firm today at (281) 609-9224, and let us fight to win your case!


What is the largest no-zone area for a truck?
The largest no-zone area for a truck is directly behind it, often extending up to 200 feet. In this zone, the driver has no visibility of vehicles, making it dangerous for tailgating or sudden stops.

How many blind spots do large trucks have?
Large trucks have four major blind spots: directly in front, directly behind, and along both sides, especially on the right side where the blind spot is much larger.

Why should you stay out of the no-zone of a large truck?
Staying out of the no-zone is crucial because truck drivers cannot see vehicles in these areas. This increases the risk of collisions, especially during lane changes or sudden stops, as the driver may unintentionally hit your vehicle.



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