Mokaram Law Firm


How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?

Motorcycle crashes are a serious concern on the roads. Understanding how they happen can save lives. Many factors contribute to these accidents. Weather conditions, driver behavior, and road hazards all play a role. In this blog post, we’ll explore the common causes of motorcycle crashes. We will also discuss ways to prevent them. Your safety and awareness are crucial for safer rides. 

Let’s dive in!

Overview of Motorcycle Crashes In Texas

Motorcycle crashes are a major issue in Texas, with around 500 fatalities and thousands more injuries annually, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. The state has seen a significant increase in motorcycle fatalities, with an increase of over 10% in some years. 

Motorcyclists account for 12% of all motor vehicle deaths in Texas, despite only representing a small percentage of total traffic. Helmet use is not mandatory for all riders, but it significantly reduces the risk of severe head injuries. Most motorcycle crashes occur in urban areas, particularly in high-traffic cities like Houston, Austin, and Dallas.

Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents

Knowing about these patterns and crash types can help make more people aware and encourage safer behavior for both bikers and drivers:

  • Left-Turn Fights: Cars turn left in front of motorcycles due to the driver’s inability to see or realize the motorcycle’s speed.
  • Changing Lanes: Drivers may not spot motorcycles in their blind spots, leading to crashes.
  • Back-End Bumps: Motorcycles can stop quicker than cars, causing cars behind to crash into the back.
  • T-Bone Collisions: Rare but deadly due to motorcycles’ limited protection.
  • Crash on One Side: Motorcycles lose control, causing a crash without hitting anything else, often on country roads.

5 Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Understanding these reasons, bikers and other drivers can do their part to avoid crashes by staying focused, following the rules of the road, and being aware of what’s happening around them:

Distracted Driving

Being distracted is a big reason for crashes, but it’s especially risky for bikers because they’re smaller and harder to see. Drivers who are on their phones, eating, messing with the radio, or chatting with passengers might not see a biker in their blind spot or when changing lanes. This lack of attention can lead to crashes, especially at intersections where most bike accidents happen.


How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen? Explained Guide

Going too fast is a common reason for bike accidents. When either the biker or the other driver is speeding, there’s less time to react to sudden things like obstacles, changes in traffic, or dangers. For bikers, going too fast can cause them to lose control, especially around bends or in bad weather. Also, when crashes happen at high speeds, the damage is worse, which means bikers are more likely to get hurt or killed because they don’t have the same protection as people in cars.

Drunk or High Driving

Driving while drunk or high is super dangerous, but it’s even worse for bikers because they need a lot of skill and balance to ride safely. Being under the influence messes with your judgment, slows down your reaction time, and makes it harder to move smoothly, which means you’re more likely to crash. Bikers who are drunk or high might not see other bikers or might not react in time to avoid hitting them, making it a risk for both sides.

Not Yielding

Not letting other drivers go first is a big reason for biker crashes, especially at intersections. This often happens when cars are turning left and don’t see a biker coming or don’t judge the biker’s speed right. Since bikers are smaller than cars, it’s harder for drivers to see them, especially when there’s a lot of traffic. Drivers might think they have enough time to make a turn or pull out, which can lead to a crash.

Road Hazards

Bikes are more at risk from road hazards than cars. Things like potholes, loose gravel, slippery roads, or debris can be a small problem for a car, but they can be a big deal for a biker. Bikes don’t have as much stability or as many wheels to keep them on the road, so it’s easier for a rider to lose control when they hit a hazard. Also, bad weather like rain or ice makes it harder to see and grip the road, which means bikers are more likely to crash.

If you’ve been involved in an accident, it’s crucial to seek professional legal assistance. 

Get the Justice You Deserve After a Motorcycle Accident!

Have you been involved in a motorcycle accident? At Mokaram Law Firm, we fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us handle the legal process while you focus on recovery!


what is the main cause of motorcycle accidents?
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What is the primary cause of motorcycle crashes?



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