Mokaram Law Firm


Tips for Choosing the Best Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas

There are many legal attorneys available in the market today. Most people get confused while hiring a legal attorney because they don’t know much about their preferences and what they need by the end of the legal lawsuit. The first thing to keep in mind, while deciding on the legal attorney who will fight for your legal lawsuit, is to know and understand what you want from the legal attorney. One needs to completely understand what works for them and what doesn’t. For that you can read the following Tips for Choosing the Best Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas. These tips can help you determine your priorities and will let you know what to expect from the legal attorney.

A car accident attorney must listen to your needs and answer all your queries in the initial meeting so that you know the direction in which they are moving. Before hiring the legal attorney, you need to conduct a meeting, that can be online as well. In this meeting, you can ask questions, and if their answer satisfies you, you can consider hiring them. It is essential to conduct meetings with several attorneys before you choose.

Tips for Choosing the Best Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas


Make sure the legal attorney you hire is professional and has ample experience. The experience of the legal attorney matters a lot. If you hire a legal attorney who doesn’t have enough experience, they will not be able to cater to you in the right way. They will not be able to identify the potential harms to your legal lawsuit, which can make you unsuccessful in the legal lawsuit. Moreover, an inexperienced legal attorney will not be able to tackle the opposing parties and insurance companies. It is always advisable to hire the legal attorney who has years of experience so that they can guide you beforehand.


 In cases of personal injury, it’s important to find a lawyer who only does personal injury law. With car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice cases etc, personal injury law is a small but varied field. These cases commonly involve complicated legal and medical issues, making it necessary to have an attorney who specializes in the area of law.

Specialist personal injury lawyer will be well versed in those laws, regulations and case law. They will also be conversant in dealing with insurance companies and to understand the methods they employ to reduce their payout liability, as well as how best to combat them. Choosing a lawyer experienced in personal injury cases raises your chances of winning.

Tips for Choosing the Best Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas


The reputation of an injury lawyer is a good barometer for their talent and ethics. The better the lawyer, a more likely it is that he will have had satisfied clients and good results in his cases. To assess a lawyer’s reputation, consider the following:

Online Reviews: 

Check out online reviews and testimonials. These reviews can supply information about the lawyer’s work and client satisfaction.


The lawyer should be able to provide references from past clients. By talking with former clients, you can get an idea for what it was like to deal directly with the lawyer–how competent he is in dealing out cases.

Bar Association: 

Talk to your local or state bar association for data on what the members think of this lawyer. This includes any disciplinary punishment or complaints brought against them. A lawyer with a good reputation is more likely to be respected by peers, judges and insurance companies. This will improve your standing in negotiations and litigation.

Track Record:

One important consideration is a lawyer’s track record in handling personal injury cases. What you want is an attorney with a record of successful settlements and verdicts for their clients. When evaluating a lawyer’s track record, consider the following:

Successful Outcomes: 

Ask the lawyer about his previous cases, and how matters turned out. Especially, inquire as to their track record regarding winning fair compensation for clients with cases just like yours.

Settlements vs. Trials: 

Understand the first-hand experience of a lawyer with both settlements and trials. Though most personal injury cases are settled out of court, having a lawyer with trial experience is always an advantage. It signifies that he or she is willing to take your case into the ringfight if necessary.

Case Complexity: 

Determine whether the lawyer has undertaken cases of similar complexity to your own. Cases that involve catastrophic injuries, a large number of parties or questions about liability may require legal representation by an expert.

A lawyer’s track record is clearly measurable evidence of his or her ability to be a good advocate for you and win the compensation that belongs to you.


When it comes to personal injury cases, having resources is crucial in building a successful case. Your lawyer should have the means to adequately research your case, gather evidence for it, get opinions from specialists, and craft that into a winning presentation. Resources may include:

Investigative Tools: 

Ensure the lawyer has equipment and personnel available to gather evidence, interview witnesses and reproduce accident scenes.

Medical Experts: 

In the context of injuries, medical experts may be necessary to determine how severe your injuries are, provide an expert opinion and establish that there is a causal relationship between accident and injury.

Financial Resources:

Verify that the lawyer has enough financial capability to advance costs in your case such as court fees, expert’s witness and medical bills.

If a lawyer has many resources at his disposal, it’s just another way of saying he wants to put all these into building your case. And believe me that can make all the difference in whether or not you win.

Communication Skills:

During the legal process, communication between you and your lawyer is very important. Pick a lawyer who is attentive to questions and gives you regular feedback on the progress of the case. In communication, there has to be interchange with the other side and dialogue as well requires insurance companies. At worst even a judge and jury may have to get involved.

You should pay attention in an initial consultation with the lawyer to whether they speak well and if you are comfortable telling them all about your case. An attorney who can explain complex legal concepts in simple layman’s terms will assist you through the course of your case.

Trial Experience:

Though most personal injury cases are settled out of court, choosing an attorney with trial experience is important. Insurance companies are more willing to make fair offers when your lawyer is prepared to go on trial if necessary.

Practical trial experience shows that the lawyer is not only adept at negotiations; he can also present a cogent case to court. This may force the opposing parties to reach a reasonable settlement, otherwise they risk being handed an unfavorable judgment in court.

So, when you are talking to the lawyer about trial experience, ask him what cases he has had recently that have gone to trial, how things turned out, and how they prepare for a case if it goes before a judge. An experienced, confident lawyer at your side in court can add to what you already feel sure of.


A competent attorney will be frank about the merits and demerits of your case. They should give practical expectations as to the possible outcome and time frame. It also includes matters of fees and expenses, billing practices.

In your first meeting, in all subsequent contacts and discussions-pay attention to how frank the lawyer is with you about your case. A translucent attorney will allow you to clearly see the bottlenecks and opportunities in your personal injury case. 

Comfort Level: 

Comfort and trust in your lawyer are vital elements of the attorney-client relationship. An important consideration is how comfortable you feel talking over your case, asking questions and airing grievances with your chosen lawyer. Personal injury cases can be emotionally draining, so the choice of a lawyer willing to listen and understand goes some way toward making them bearable.

At the first consultation, evaluate your sense of ease with and confidence in this attorney, whether you can see their heart is truly behind yours. A warm relationship based on trust and understanding creates a healthier environment for the attorney-client working relationship.


Getting recommendations from friends, relatives or acquaintances who have used personal injury lawyers is a helpful source of information. One can get first-hand client experience and lawyer performance first-hand from personal referrals.

When asking someone for a referral, ask them what it is about the lawyer’s service that they themselves found particularly beneficial or whether there were any problems during their legal process. Relying on referrals from people you trust can save time and furnish helpful information.

Fee Structure:

It is important to know the fee structure of the legal attorney you are considering. This means that you should ask them about their fee and when you are supposed to give the fees. If you have to pay the fees after you get the compensation, then you can consider hiring a legal attorney. If the legal attorney is asking for fee before they have proceeded with the legal lawsuit, you should avoid hiring them. 

Bottom Line:

The best injury lawyer is an important choice for your personal injury case, and can make a world of difference in the eventual outcome of your claim. Specialization, experience; reputation. track record; resources, communication skills, trial experience, and fees are all to be taken into consideration in the selection of a legal attorney. Mokarram Law Firm has legal attorneys who have all of the above-mentioned qualities. For free consultation, you can call us at  (281) 609-9224.


Past results do not guarantee future performance. The $1B amount reflects the NFL concussion MDL settlement not an individual claim.

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If There Was No Injury Then There Is No Claim to be Filed.

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