Mokaram Law Firm


What Questions To Ask Your Tampa Rideshare Accident Lawyer

The lives of modern people have become very busy and full of everyday activities. It’s a known fact that we heavily depend on technology to help us cope with the daily hustle and bustle. 

The importance of ridesharing apps has increased greatly in the past years. The people who don’t have personal vehicles can’t imagine their lives with them. 

While the importance of ride-sharing apps cannot be denied, it is also important to be aware of the risks they pose while sharing the road. A large number of road accidents occur annually by drivers of ride-sharing apps. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the necessity of hiring an experienced ridesharing accident lawyer if anything should happen during your commute.


Why Ridesharing Apps Have Gained Popularity Over The Recent Years? 


  • Convenience and Accessibility

The ridesharing apps have started a period of unmatched comfort for many travelers, which no one can deny. 

Ridesharing apps offer instant access and affordable rates. People have forgotten about the restriction of traditional transportation. 

There is no need to wait for a taxi; it is now easy and very effective to summon a car just with a click of a button. 

This service is beneficial for those with physical disabilities and for people who live in far areas. 

In addition, the advantage is beyond just the process of calling for your ride. Ridesharing apps assign users live tracking, arrival times foretelling, and transparent pricing, thereby improving the general commuting experience.

  • People Can Have an Extra Source of Income 

Ridesharing apps are not just about the passengers. It also opens new doors to employment. 

These apps offer flexible working hours for many people who need an extra source of income. 

The workforce can decide their working hours. It helps them to maintain a suitable balance between personal life and work. 

This flexibility is a big advantage for the students as well as for the part-time workers and people who are seeking additional money.

Drivers can be their own bosses and run the business in the way they want. They can set their income targets and work during high-demand hours.


Role of Ridesharing Accident Lawyers: Advocating for Justice and Fair Compensation


  • Navigating Complex Legalities

Accidents occurring while ridesharing have a legal layer that only a ride-sharing accident lawyer can handle 

The laws and rules of the ridesharing services are complicated. The state and federal statutes require a sharp mind to know where to find the provisions that can be used. 

Ride-sharing accident lawyers look into the liability details, which include inquiring about the driver’s status and the contractual relationships between drivers and ride-sharing firms.

These lawyers possess the ability to handle cases with the presence of more than one party. 

When the rideshare driver is at fault, problems might occur related to the rider’s company’s responsibility. Ridesharing accident lawyers use the knowledge obtained in different forums to ensure that all potential sources of compensation are exploited.


  • Rideshare Accident Lawyers Help Navigate Insurance Challenges

What Questions To Ask Your Tampa Rideshare Accident Lawyer


Shared ride businesses generally have coverage plans. However, the provisions depend on the situation. 

Ridesharing accident lawyers know how to read the intricacies of these policies properly. 

It is beneficial to their clients as they can reap the rental insurance of the available coverage.

Overcoming the insurance issues requires figuring out the negotiation process. It includes dealing with insurance issues and realizing how coverage may change in different stages of the rideshare trip. 

The rideshare accident lawyers use their expertise to get full compensation. The compensation may include treatment expenses, loss of property, and other costs. 

  • Accident Lawyers Help Ensure Fair Compensation

In case of a ridesharing accident, victims can be subjected to expenses for medical care, loss of wages, and emotional issues.

Ride-sharing accident lawyers are an indispensable part of ensuring the injured parties get adequate compensation for these losses. 

Speaking of the current expenses, planning for future medical spending, rehabilitation, and other long-run effects of an accident are also accounted for.


What Questions You Need To Ask Your Rideshare Accident Lawyer:


What Questions To Ask Your Tampa Rideshare Accident Lawyer


  • How long have you been in the personal injury field? Have you specialized in ridesharing accidents, or just do a little of it?

With a longer practice in personal injury law, an attorney becomes more likely to have come across diverse cases and thus develop a complex sense of the legal terrain. So, before choosing a lawyer for your case, you must know how many years of experience they have. 

  • Which remedy do you believe is suitable for my situation?

The ability of the attorney to comprehend the strategy makes him/her a good analyzer and a foresighted professional. 

A comprehensive legal strategy is capable of recognizing critical points, predicting difficulties, and matching the case’s personalities with an attorney’s approach. 

This query can be a measure that determines the role of the attorney and also the level of their involvement in the case.

  • Will you be the main attorney in charge of my file, or will your law firm work with other members of its legal group?

Knowing who will be your attorney lets you decide the amount of personalized help you can anticipate. When the lawyer debates directly, it usually indicates a more involved strategy. 

To prevent a case from being handled by junior associates entirely and consequently lowering the level of representation, senior associates should accompany it.

  • Do you work when work is to be done and charge a contingent fee?

Understanding the fee structure clarifies the financials of legal representation so that one knows the financial aspects. 

It makes it easier for you to understand the principal way the attorney does billing and the different costs you may have to pay while pursuing your case. 

  • How can I determine the usual duration for such cases as mine?

One of the most significant things is to have realistic expectations about your case timeline, as it is central to stress management and planning. It is crucial to grasp the course of other defendant cases as such can help you be emotionally and financially ready.




The choice of a ridesharing accident lawyer is crucial, as you need one who is both qualified and has hands-on experience. 

By posing the correct questions in your first appointment, you get the opportunity to evaluate the attorney’s expertise and ensure you have the least doubt about the legal process. Remember that your recovery largely depends on your advocate’s quality and abilities. Mokraram Law Firm has some of the best ridesharing accident lawyers at your service. 

Communication is one of the most important features when dealing with ridesharing accident cases. You should contact us at (281) 609-9224 today if you have been recently involved in an accident.


Past results do not guarantee future performance. The $1B amount reflects the NFL concussion MDL settlement not an individual claim.

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