Mokaram Law Firm


Author name: mokaramstage1

What should you do if you’re injured in a bus or trucking accident?

What should you do if you’re injured in a bus or trucking accident? Riding in a commercial bus can be dangerous. So can being on the road near large trucks. Especially in the state of Texas. Statistical data proves that passengers can be at significant risk in these travel situations. According to one study, 762 […]

What should you do if you’re injured in a bus or trucking accident? Read More »

What are the Psychological Effects of Being Hit by a Car?

What are the Psychological Effects of Being Hit by a Car?

What are the Psychological Effects of Being Hit by a Car? Car accidents have different aftereffects on different people depending on gender, age, and medical condition. In a car accident, a person may experience burns, bruises, broken bones, severe injuries, and other life-changing medical conditions. Along with that, victims get psychological effects that affect their

What are the Psychological Effects of Being Hit by a Car? Read More »

Who is the Lawyer for the Refinery Explosion in Houston?

Who is the Lawyer for the Refinery Explosion in Houston?

Who is the Lawyer for the Refinery Explosion in Houston? Houston is the hub of oil and gas companies. There are several refinery companies where thousands of workers are working to provide different facilities for oil and gas. But these companies concentrate more on their business profit than their workers’ safety. They always compromise their

Who is the Lawyer for the Refinery Explosion in Houston? Read More »

Legal Aid for San Jacinto County Residents Affected by Plant Fire

Current Situation Shepherd Chemical Plant Fire Mokaram Law Firm extends our deepest concerns to the residents and workers affected by the recent fire at the Shepherd chemical plant on FM 1127 in San Jacinto County. We understand the distress and uncertainty that such an incident can cause, and we stand ready to offer our legal

Legal Aid for San Jacinto County Residents Affected by Plant Fire Read More »

How to Recover Mentally After a Car Accident?

How to Recover Mentally After a Car Accident?

How to Recover Mentally After a Car Accident? If you have suffered from a car accident, you’re not alone in this. According to many research it is stated accidents are increasing. People now drive carelessly, overspeed, break signals, and do distracted driving that results in threatening accidents. People have to suffer from several injuries and

How to Recover Mentally After a Car Accident? Read More »


Past results do not guarantee future performance. The $1B amount reflects the NFL concussion MDL settlement not an individual claim.

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Sorry! Can't Help You
If There Was No Injury Then There Is No Claim to be Filed.

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We can't provide a valuation for the claim if the accident is reported as "at fault" or if there's no clear determination of fault.

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