Mokaram Law Firm



Does Car Insurance Cover Drunk Driving Accidents

Does Car Insurance Cover Drunk Driving Accidents?

Does Car Insurance Cover Drunk Driving Accidents? The intersection between car insurance and drunk driving accidents revolves around keeping a look at the consequences of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and the complexities of car insurance coverage. Driving under the influence is an offense and also increases the likelihood of causing accidents and injuries on

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What happens when a car accident claim exceeds insurance limits? | MokaramLawFirm

What happens when a car accident claim exceeds insurance limits?

What happens when a car accident claim exceeds insurance limits? Car accidents, when they occur, come with some very serious consequences. One of the factors that hold a lot of importance is insurance and the coverage that it provides for the damages that have occurred after the accident. Auto insurance policies are designed in a

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How do you deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident? | MokaramLawFirm

How do you deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident?

How do you deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident? Car accidents are a very unfortunate reality of day-to-day shenanigans on the roads. These exist, ranging from just a simple scratch to a major collision.  After an accident caused by a car, one might have to undertake repairs for the car, medical treatment

How do you deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident? Read More »

Does car insurance cover accidents on private property? | MokaramLawFirm

Does car insurance cover accidents on private property?

Does car insurance cover accidents on private property? It is very well understood that car insurance exists to compensate for various events involving vehicles, including accidents that take place on private premises. This scope of coverage often includes damage caused to the car, liability for damage to other people’s property, or even medical costs.  Knowing

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How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Happen in Car Accidents?

How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Happen in Car Accidents?

How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Happen in Car Accidents? Car accidents take place on a daily basis, with different complications all over the world. Many people experience minor injuries and some experience spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord is one of the major injuries that can negatively affect the life of a car accident victim.  

How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Happen in Car Accidents? Read More »

Did the US successfully sue Uber for discriminating against people with disabilities?

Did the US sue Uber saying it discriminated against people with disabilities?

Did the US successfully sue Uber for discriminating against people with disabilities? Uber, the ride-share company that is frequently in the court system for lawsuits, was sued by the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice filed this lawsuit in November 2021 alleging that Uber violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. That

Did the US sue Uber saying it discriminated against people with disabilities? Read More »


Past results do not guarantee future performance. The $1B amount reflects the NFL concussion MDL settlement not an individual claim.

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We can't provide a valuation for the claim if the accident is reported as "at fault" or if there's no clear determination of fault.

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